Abstract:Current differential protection is one of the most effective protection methods in distributed generation system. However, the low communication constructing level in distribution system limits the application of differential protection. Since traditional differential protection requires low synchronization error, the safety of distribution system is hardly guaranteed. In this paper, a new differential method based on current phase variation is proposed, in which the sampling synchronization is no longer necessary. Thanks to the high capacitive reactance of distribution line, the new method shows good brake performance, which satisfies the protection requirements of distributed generation system. For its immunity to synchronization error, the new method is more adaptable than traditional differential protection. Furthermore, this paper also describes the supporting data acquisition method and protection pickup method. Finally, the criterion braking characteristic and phase shift restraint capacity are simulated.
许偲轩, 陆于平. 电流相位变化量纵联保护方案[J]. 电工技术学报, 2016, 31(16): 198-206.
Xu Sixuan, Lu Yuping. The Current Phase Variation Pilot Protection Method. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2016, 31(16): 198-206.
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