Abstract:As the last line of defense of power system stability,the power system controlled islanding plays a vital role in power system emergency control.A novel power system islanding surface searching method is proposed.This two-stage method for searching islanding surfaces is based on “locating and searching”,which comes from a graph cut set searching algorithm.Compared with traditional power system islanding surface searching methods,the proposed method has the following characteristics:the islanding surface searching area is located by the current tracing method which reduces the islanding surface searching area;the rationality of structure for non-islanding area is kept;the probability of non-convergence for flow calculation is reduced;the islanding surfaces can be kept because the vertices in the islanding searching area is not combined;and all the islanding surfaces in the searching area can be found by the improved recursive merge algorithm.According to the islanding surface simulations on the New England system and the IEEE 118-bus system,the method is proved to be effective and accurate.
徐劭翔, 苗世洪, 李超. 基于改进递归融合算法的电力系统主动解列断面搜索方法[J]. 电工技术学报, 2016, 31(15): 117-124.
Xu Shaoxiang, Miao Shihong, Li Chao. A Searching Method for Power System Controlled Islanding Surface Based on Improved Recursive Merge Algorithm. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2016, 31(15): 117-124.
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