Abstract:It is generally believed that the commutation failure of high-voltage direct current transmission (HVDC) is caused by the failure of the receiving-end AC system or the converter valve. However, in engineering practice, it is found that the sending-end AC system failure may also cause the commutation failure of the inverter. At present, most research is limited to the amplitude characteristics of the traditional bus voltage, and its electrical coupling and control coordination needs to be studied. Firstly, by analyzing the response of the AC/DC system after the sending-side fault occurs, it is pointed out that, different from the general receiving-side AC fault, the commutation failure caused by the sending-side AC fault generally occurs in the recovery stage after the fault is removed. Moreover, the magnitude of the bus voltage is not a key factor in such commutation failures. On this basis, the phase characteristics of the bus voltage at the receiving end after the fault is removed are analyzed using the relationship between the active transmission power and the phase angle of the bus voltage. Based on the phase characteristics, the possible commutation failure risk is obtained. The analysis shows that after the fault is removed, restoring the active power transmitted from the sending system to the receiving end will lead to the phase advance of the commutation bus voltage at the receiving end. The phase advance of the bus voltage will not only make the commutation voltage zero-crossing point earlier, but also it will directly compress the commutation area, reduce the turn-off margin from two aspects, and increase the risk of commutation failure. On the other hand, the phase advance will also cause the actual trigger angle of the inverter to exceed the trigger command value, which delays the triggering of the commutator valve on the inverter side during the recovery process and induces commutation failure. In addition, in order to more comprehensively consider other influencing factors of commutation failure, according to the controller response at both ends, this paper further analyzes the changing characteristics of the trigger command and DC current corresponding to the inverter commutation failure process under different fault degrees of the sending-end AC system. The results show that when the AC fault at the sending end is slight and the inverter maintains constant turn-off angle control before and after the fault is removed, the phase shift of the bus voltage at the receiving end and the sudden increase of DC current cause the commutation failure of the inverter. When the fault degree of the sending end deepens and the receiving end inverter switches to constant current control, the phase advance of the bus voltage is often the main reason for the commutation failure. Finally, based on the CIGRE-HVDC simulation model, the correctness of the analysis is verified from the turn-off angle, the voltage of the converter valve, and the voltage and current of the AC and DC systems.
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