北京交通大学电气工程学院 北京 100044
Control Strategy of Ultracapacitor Storage System in Urban Mass Transit System Based on Dynamic Voltage Threshold
Zhao Yajie,XiaHuan,Wang Junxing,Yang Zhongping,Lin Fei
BeijingJiaotong University Beijing 100044 China
摘要 超级电容储能系统应用于城市轨道交通可以实现良好的节能稳压的效果,本文首先分析了城轨交通列车再生制动电压限制特性以及等效24脉波不控整流机组的空载特性。在此基础上探讨了基于最大节能化的超级电容储能系统充放电阈值选择原则,并提出了基于动态阈值调节的储能系统控制策略,最后通过仿真和样机现场实验验证了控制策略的可行性。
关键词 :
城轨交通 ,
超级电容储能系统 ,
充放电阈值 ,
动态调节 ,
Abstract :Ultracapacitor storage system can achieve good effect of energy saving and voltage stabilization in urban mass transit system, the paper analyze the characteristics of voltage limiting when the vehicle is regenerative braking firstly, then the characteristic of 24 pulse rectifier is analyzed too. On this basis the selected method of voltage threshold of charging and discharging is discussed which is based on optimal energy saving, then propose the control strategy of UCESS(Ultracapacitor Storage System) based on dynamic voltage threshold. In the end, the control strategy is verified through simulation and experiment.
Key words :
Urban Mass Transit
UCESS(Ultracapacitor Storage System)
Voltage threshold of charging and discharging
Dynamic regulate
Control strategy
收稿日期: 2014-09-10
出版日期: 2015-09-08
基金资助: 城市轨道交通北京实验室资助项目(I13H100030)
作者简介 : 赵亚杰 男,1991.8,在读硕士研究生,主要从事城市轨道交通节能应用研技术研究。夏 欢 男,1986.5,在读博士研究生,主要从事城市轨道交通节能应用技术和超级电容储能技术研究。
赵亚杰,夏欢,王俊兴,杨中平,林飞. 基于动态阈值调节的城轨交通超级电容储能系统控制策略研究[J]. 电工技术学报, 2015, 30(14): 427-433.
Zhao Yajie,XiaHuan,Wang Junxing,Yang Zhongping,Lin Fei. Control Strategy of Ultracapacitor Storage System in Urban Mass Transit System Based on Dynamic Voltage Threshold. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(14): 427-433.
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