Design of Electromagnetic Ultrasonic Scanning Device and Its Control System
Liu Suzhen1, Wang Chenguang1, Zhang Chuang1, Jin Liang
1. Province-Ministry Joint Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Apparatus Reliability Hebei University of Technology Tianjin 300130 China; 2. Key Laboratory of Advanced Electrical Engineering and Energy Technology Tianjin Polytechnic University Tianjin 300387 China
Abstract:The electromagnetic ultrasonic technology is a non-contact measurement, it could detect specimen at high temperature, high speed, surface roughness and other harsh conditions, without coupling medium or pretreating the specimen. The electromagnetic ultrasonic scanning device is designed in this paper. The probe can be moved in x, y direction with step-scan, while the height of the probe can be adjusted. Therefore, the scanning device could control the scanning trace of the probe. In order to track scanning aluminum plates quickly and accurately for scanning device, the stepper motor control system based on single chip microcomputer is designed, it could adjust the probe’s scanning speed and scanning direction in real-time. The probe could uniform scanning, and the ladder up speed method is used to precisely control the move distance, enabling the probe positioning.
刘素贞, 王晨光, 张闯, 金亮, 杨庆新. 电磁超声扫描装置及其控制系统的设计[J]. 电工技术学报, 2015, 30(10): 20-25.
Liu Suzhen, Wang Chenguang, Zhang Chuang, Jin Liang. Design of Electromagnetic Ultrasonic Scanning Device and Its Control System. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(10): 20-25.
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