电工技术学报  2024, Vol. 39 Issue (5): 1313-1326    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.222332
电力系统与综合能源 |
张波1, 高远1, 李铁成2, 胡雪凯2, 贾焦心1
1.华北电力大学河北省分布式储能与微网重点实验室 保定 071003;
2.国网河北省电力有限公司电力科学研究院 石家庄 050021
Reactive Voltage Optimization Control Strategy for High Penetration Photovoltaic Distribution Network Considering IGBT Junction Temperature Constraint
Zhang Bo1, Gao Yuan1, Li Tiecheng2, Hu Xuekai2, Jia Jiaoxin1
1. Key Laboratory of Distributed Energy Storage and Microgrid of Hebei Province North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China;
2. State Grid Hebei Electric Power Research Institute Shijiazhuang 050021 China
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摘要 光伏电源参与配电网无功电压调节是提升光伏高渗透配电网运行经济性和可靠性的有效手段,但光伏电源提供无功支撑会使得光伏电源IGBT最大结温升高、结温波动加剧,进而影响光伏电源和配电网的安全稳定运行。为此,该文提出一种计及IGBT结温约束的光伏高渗透配电网无功电压优化控制策略。首先,利用CatBoost算法计算IGBT结温,提高了IGBT结温计算效率,避免了传统结温算法对IGBT热模型参数的依赖;然后,建立考虑IGBT结温约束的有源配电网多目标无功优化模型,利用二分法求解IGBT结温约束下的光伏电源最大输出功率,实现了IGBT结温约束向二阶锥约束的转换;最后,利用IEEE 33节点典型配电系统验证了所提策略在光伏高渗透配电网无功电压优化、光伏电源运行可靠性提升方面的有效性,并提出了综合考虑配电网网损、光伏电源可靠性的光伏电源IGBT结温限值整定原则。
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关键词 CatBoost机器学习算法IGBT结温无功电压控制IGBT可靠性多目标优化    
Abstract:The participation of photovoltaic inverters in reactive voltage regulation of the distribution network is an effective method to improve the economy and reliability of photovoltaic high-permeability distribution network operation. However, the reactive power support provided by photovoltaic inverters will increase the maximum junction temperature of IGBT in photovoltaic inverters and increase the fluctuation of junction temperature, which will affect the safe and stable operation of photovoltaic inverters and distribution network. Therefore, the influence of reactive power output of photovoltaic power supply on the operation reliability and lifetime of photovoltaic inverter should be considered when reactive power and voltage control is carried out.
Firstly, this paper proposes an IGBT reliability evaluation method based on CatBoost algorithm. This method uses data-driven method to calculate IGBT junction temperature, which shortens the calculation time of IGBT junction temperature and reduces the dependence of junction temperature calculation results on IGBT thermal model parameters. Secondly, the reactive power and voltage optimization control strategy of active distribution network considering IGBT junction temperature constraint is proposed. The IGBT junction temperature constraint is introduced into the reactive power and voltage optimization constraint of distribution network, and the multi-objective reactive power optimization model of active distribution network considering IGBT junction temperature constraint is established. Finally, considering the distribution network loss, IGBT reliability and lifetime, the IGBT junction temperature limit setting principle of photovoltaic power supply is proposed.
The effectiveness of the proposed strategy in reactive power and voltage optimization and operation reliability improvement of PV power supply is verified by IEEE 33-bus typical distribution system. According to the reliability evaluation process of photovoltaic power supply based on mission profile, the IGBT failure rate of photovoltaic power supply in all access points is significantly reduced compared with that without junction temperature limit, which verifies the effectiveness of the proposed strategy in improving the operation reliability of photovoltaic power supply. At the same time, when the IGBT junction temperature limits are 80°C, 70℃ and 60℃, the corresponding minimum lifetime of all photovoltaic power IGBTs are 8, 16 and 41 years, respectively, and the average lifetime of all photovoltaic power IGBTs are 14, 25 and 65 years, respectively. It can be seen that the junction temperature limit control can improve the minimum lifetime and average lifetime of all photovoltaic power IGBTs. Considering all access point photovoltaic power IGBT minimum lifetime and distribution network loss, in this paper, the example set 60℃ junction temperature limit, can meet the IGBT replacement cycle requirements, and can ensure that the total loss of distribution network is not high.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the simulation analysis: (1) The IGBT junction temperature is calculated by data-driven method, which improves the calculation efficiency of IGBT junction temperature, reduces the dependence of junction temperature calculation results on IGBT thermal model parameters. (2) The reactive power optimization model is transformed into a second-order cone programming model by linearization and second-order cone relaxation, which improves the speed of model solution. (3) The setting principle of IGBT junction temperature limit considering the total loss of distribution network and IGBT reliability is proposed, which provides a theoretical basis for photovoltaic power supply to participate in the design of reactive voltage regulation control strategy and core parameter setting of distribution network.
Key wordsCatBoost machine learning algorithm    IGBT junction temperature    reactive voltage control    IGBT reliability    multi-objective optimization   
收稿日期: 2022-12-18     
PACS: TM73  
通讯作者: 张 波 男,1981年生,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为新能源电力系统分析与稳定控制、电力电子系统可靠性分析。E-mail:zhangbo@ncepu.edu.cn   
作者简介: 高 远 男,1999年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为电力电子系统可靠性分析。E-mail:gaoy@ncepu.edu.cn
张波, 高远, 李铁成, 胡雪凯, 贾焦心. 计及IGBT结温约束的光伏高渗透配电网无功电压优化控制策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2024, 39(5): 1313-1326. Zhang Bo, Gao Yuan, Li Tiecheng, Hu Xuekai, Jia Jiaoxin. Reactive Voltage Optimization Control Strategy for High Penetration Photovoltaic Distribution Network Considering IGBT Junction Temperature Constraint. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2024, 39(5): 1313-1326.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.222332          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2024/V39/I5/1313