Abstract:In order to improve the reliability of cascade brushless doubly-fed wind power generation system, a novel current observer based on model reference adaptive method is proposed for fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control of power winding current sensor. The mathematical model of cascade brushless doubly-fed generator (BDFG) is built in the power side stator flux oriented double synchronous speed coordinate system, and the state space equation of control winding current is extracted as the reference model. The complex pole assignment problem of time-varying systems is avoided by matrix separation when constructing adjustable models. Base on the Lyapunov stability theory, the adaptive law of current observer is constructed. And the current differential term of power winding which cannot be neglected in non-ideal steady state is proved to be replaced by the output of adjustable model through formula deduction. The simulation results show that the proposed observer has high precision, and it has the ability to replace the power winding current sensor in the control system, thus the fault-tolerant control of the system can be realized.
兰志勇, 沈凡享, 李理, 曹春堂, 王钰琳. 级联式无刷双馈风力发电机功率绕组电流检测系统容错控制研究[J]. 电工技术学报, 2020, 35(13): 2901-2912.
Lan Zhiyong, Shen Fanxiang, Li Li, Cao Chuntang, Wang Yulin. Research on Fault-Tolerant Control of Cascade Brushless Doubly-Fed Wind Generator Power Winding Current Detection System. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2020, 35(13): 2901-2912.
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