Abstract:Multiple faults may occur in the distribution network under ice storm. In order to reduce the damage caused by ice storm on the distribution network, a multi-phased fault repair and melting ice model containing distributed generators (DGs) under ice storm was proposed in this paper, according to the impacts of different ice storm periods on different regions of the distribution network. In this model, the DGs were used to supply power for the important lost load, and the fault repair and melting ice process was divided into three stages. In the early fault repair and post-repair periods, the ice thickness of lines was the goal, and the line important metrics was introduced to obtain the ice melting sequences. In the medium repair period, taken the minimum of allocate fitness as the goal, the optimal resource allocation strategy and emergency repair mask were obtained by defining emergency resources vector and fault demand vector. On this basis, the least integrated financial loss was taken as the objective, and the discrete bacterial colony chemotaxis (DBCC) optimization algorithm was used to solve the optimal "melting ice+repair" program. An improved PG&E 69-bus system simulation has verified the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed strategy.
卢志刚, 李丹, 吕雪姣, 赵号, 候小虎. 含分布式电源的冰灾下配电网多故障抢修策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2018, 33(2): 423-432.
Lu Zhigang, Li Dan, Lü Xuejiao, Zhao Hao, Hou Xiaohu. Multiple Faults Repair Strategy Under Ice Storm for Distribution Network with Distributed Generators. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2018, 33(2): 423-432.
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