Abstract:Open winding electric machine (OWEM) system is a new machine topology. It is realized by opening the neutral point of winding and connecting each side of the stator winding with a converter. OWEM system has many advantages, such as high output power, selective power supply mode, diverse voltage vector modulation methods, flexible control strategy, redundancy and fault tolerance capability. It also shows broad prospects in high power, large capacity and wide operation range applications. In this paper, the worldwide research and development of OWEM were analyzed and summarized firstly. And then various topologies and multi-level properties of OWEM system were analyzed. Meanwhile, the modulation and control technologies of OWEM were overviewed. Finally, the characteristics of OWEM were summarized, and its future trends were also discussed.
孙丹, 林斌, 周文志. 开绕组电机系统拓扑及控制技术研究综述[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(4): 76-84.
Sun Dan, Lin Bin, Zhou Wenzhi. An Overview of Open Winding Electric Machine System Topology and Control Technology. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(4): 76-84.
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