Performance of a Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Generator Based on Induced-Excitation
Zhu Changqing, Wang Xiuhe, Zhang Yifeng, Jiang Bo, Li Jiapeng, Shen Yiming
1. School of Electrical Engineering Shandong University Jinan 250061 China; 2. Liaocheng Yijun Motor Technology Development Center Liaocheng 252000 China; 3. State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Maintenance Branch Company Xuzhou 221000 China
Abstract:In view of simple structure but limited excitation capacity of induced-excitation synchronous generator and some difficulties in magnetic field regulation of permanent magnet synchronous generator, a novel hybrid excitation synchronous generator is analyzed in this paper. The current in rotor winding is produced by the double pole induction, which produce the magnetic field in the generator with permanent magnet. Thus adjusting the size of the stator exciting current, the regulation of air gap magnetic field could be realized. Due to removal of the slip-ring system, the machine reliability could be improved greatly. Based on principle analysis, two-dimensional finite element method (FEM) is used to obtain magnetic field adjusting and no-load as well as load characteristics. The simulation analysis results and those obtained in prototype tests both show that with the same structure parameters, the novel generator has more flexible magnetic field adjustment ability than permanent magnet synchronous generator. At the same time, the output of the hybrid excitation generator could be raise greatly than traditional induced-excitation synchronous generator.
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