Assessment of Creeping Discharge Initiated by Metal Particles on the Silicone Rubber/XLPE Interface in Cable Joints
Chang Wenzhi1, Yan Chunyu1, Li Chengrong2, Bi Jiangang1, Ge Zhendong2
1. China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 3. State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company Beijing 100031 China
Abstract:Creeping breakdown caused by metal particles on the silicone rubber/XLPE interface of silicon rubber prefabricated cable joints often happens. Study on the development process of such insulation defect-led partial discharge (PD) can serve as a basis for the assessment of its severity level. In this paper, metal particles were sandwiched on the rubber/XLPE interface of a 35kV prefabricated cable joint so as to simulate a creeping defect. The applied voltage on the test object was raised step by step to initiate the partial discharge and accelerate the degradation of the failure, where PD signals in the whole process were all measured. PD average energy, whole energy and PD number per unit time were chosen as the characterization parameters. The developing trends of these characterization parameters versus discharge time were then obtained. According to the developing trends, the entire developing process of PD was classified into four developing stages. For each stage, two-dimensional histograms of φ -n and φ-qave relationships as well as the grey-scale maps were generated, from which the phase distribution of PD repetition rate and PD average amount can be observed. Two features for the PD process were extracted from these-phase characteristic spectra. The experiment results showed that visual differences between the phase characteristics spectra of each stage exist. The extracted features monotonically increase as the PD aggravates, and the growth rate increases in the late PD development. Based on the morphology of phase characteristic spectra and the variation of each PD development stage, the severity of creeping discharge arising from metal particle defect on silicone rubber/XLPE interface can be assessed.
常文治, 阎春雨, 李成榕, 毕建刚, 葛振东. 硅橡胶/胶联聚乙烯界面金属颗粒沿面放电严重程度的评估[J]. 电工技术学报, 2015, 30(24): 245-254.
Chang Wenzhi, Yan Chunyu, Li Chengrong, Bi Jiangang, Ge Zhendong. Assessment of Creeping Discharge Initiated by Metal Particles on the Silicone Rubber/XLPE Interface in Cable Joints. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(24): 245-254.
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