Abstract:The selection of IGBTs is the primary and most important issue in the design stage of power converters, and plays an important role in converter’s efficiency, reliability and cost. However, IGBTs and switching frequency are always chosen approximately and empirically, and there is no clear theoretical basis so far. To solve this problem, a novel optimized design method of EV converters is proposed in this paper. First, three evaluation functions related to energy loss, lifetime and cost are established based on long term driving cycles. Then, the Pareto solution sets of two variables of IGBTs and switching frequency are obtained by the designed multi-objective optimization process. Last, an optimal solution is selected by using hierarchical analysis method and verified by experiments.
罗旭, 王学梅, 吴海平. 基于多目标优化的电动汽车变流器IGBT及开关频率的选择[J]. 电工技术学报, 2020, 35(10): 2181-2193.
Luo Xu, Wang Xuemei, Wu Haiping. Selections of IGBTs and Switching Frequency of the Electric Vehicle Converter Based on Multi-Objective Optimization. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2020, 35(10): 2181-2193.
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