电工技术学报  2024, Vol. 39 Issue (21): 6746-6758    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.231728
电力系统与综合能源 |
杨金洲1, 李业成1,2, 熊鸿韬3, 孔贺1, 薛安成1
1.新能源电力系统全国重点实验室(华北电力大学) 北京 102206;
2.国网济宁供电公司 济宁 272000;
3.国网浙江省电力公司电力科学研究院 杭州 310014
A Fast Screening Method for the High-Risk Faults with Transient Voltage Instability in Receiving-End Power Grids Interconnected with New Energy
Yang Jinzhou1, Li Yecheng1,2, Xiong Hongtao3, Kong He1, Xue Ancheng1
1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Source North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China;
2. State Grid Jining Power Supply Company Jining 272000 China;
3. State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute Hangzhou 310014 China
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摘要 大规模新能源接入和外地送电的增加,使得受端电网本地传统发电机无功支撑大大减少,面临暂态电压稳定问题,需要快速筛选出严重故障,以备系统预防控制和安控策略制定。该文提出了基于节点阻抗矩阵的故障点对电网暂态电压影响度指标,可用于快速筛选引发电网暂态电压失稳的关键故障点。首先,介绍了节点阻抗矩阵及其支路追加法;其次,提出反映节点故障对电网暂态电压影响程度的指标,可用于快速筛选高风险关键故障点;再次,结合升阶矩阵给出线路故障点的影响度指标;最后,改进IEEE 39节点系统及某省级电网仿真结果表明,所提指标可以快速筛选出对电网暂态电压影响显著的关键故障点。
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关键词 暂态电压关键故障点节点阻抗矩阵支路追加法    
Abstract:The receiving-end power grid interconnected with large-scale new energy lack reactive power support from local conventional generators, so that transient voltage stability problems are particularly prominent, easy to cause grid blackout. However, existing transient voltage stability analysis methods are mainly based on time-domain simulations, and most of these methods have large computational volume and high complexity, which are not fast enough to locate the critical fault point in time in the actual power grids. On the other hand, most of the existing studies related to locating critical fault points of power grids utilize graph-theoretic concepts to construct indexes. Although these methods are faster in computation, most of them lack relevant physical meanings, making it difficult to accurately identify the critical fault point of the actual large power grid.
In view of this, this paper analyzes the degree of influence of points on the transient voltage stability of the grid based on the weighted topology and transient parameters of the grid, combined with the impedance matrix, in order to quickly screen high-risk fault points. Specifically, firstly, an index reflecting the degree of influence of node faults on the transient voltages of power grid (degree index, also the point influence factor, FAC) is proposed, which can be used for fast screening of high-risk critical fault points; secondly, for the line fault points, an ascending matrix is constructed to calculate their FAC, and the point influence factor array forms a screening method for the whole grid of high-risk critical fault points with high transient voltage instability risk; lastly, the above screening method is applied to the improved IEEE 39 bus test system and the actual receiving-end grid.
In the improved IEEE 39-bus system, firstly, the FAC of the bus nodes are calculated, and it is concluded that bus 16 has the highest FAC of 0.350 0, and the indexes are compared with the average minimum voltage (UAVL) of the grid under fault and critical clearing time (CCT) to prove its validity; secondly, the FAC of the equivalent buses on the line are calculated, and it is found that the FAC in the line is not the highest, and the color rendering of the system shows the area around the bus 16 has a higher level of risk; furthermore, the effects of load characteristics and fault types on FAC are also considered; finally, the computational efficiency of the screening methods is analyzed and compared. In the actual large receiving-end grid, the FAC of the buses are calculated, and it can be seen that the FAC of the TZ, OH and NY are higher, which are 0.325 8, 0.303 9 and 0.294 3, respectively, and the simulation results also proved that these nodes play a key role in the transient voltage stability of the whole grid.
The main work and conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) this paper attributes the change of voltage during transient process to the change of impedance based on the supporting role of impedance on voltage, and accordingly proposes the FAC. (2) This paper puts forward a way of thinking to construct the ascending matrix in order to calculate the FAC of the line fault point and summarize it as a fast screening method for the critical fault point. (3) Simulation results show that the proposed FAC index can effectively reflect the degree of influence of fault point on the transient voltage, and the screening method using the FAC can quickly screen the high-risk faults and visualize the results, which has a certain degree of engineering practicability, and can provide a theoretical basis for the subsequent development of security & control strategies.
Key wordsTransient voltage    critical fault points    impedance matrix    branch addition method   
收稿日期: 2023-10-17     
PACS: TM712  
通讯作者: 薛安成, 男,1979年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为模型和数据驱动的新型电力系统稳定性分析及安全防御、二次设备评估等。E-mail:acxue@ncepu.edu.cn   
作者简介: 杨金洲, 男,2001年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为新型电力系统动暂态稳定性分析。E-mail:1563185817@qq.com
杨金洲, 李业成, 熊鸿韬, 孔贺, 薛安成. 新能源接入的受端电网暂态电压失稳高风险故障快速筛选[J]. 电工技术学报, 2024, 39(21): 6746-6758. Yang Jinzhou, Li Yecheng, Xiong Hongtao, Kong He, Xue Ancheng. A Fast Screening Method for the High-Risk Faults with Transient Voltage Instability in Receiving-End Power Grids Interconnected with New Energy. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2024, 39(21): 6746-6758.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.231728          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2024/V39/I21/6746