Research on Rapid Calculation Method of Transient Temperature Rise of Winding of Dynamic Mode Decomposition-Adaptive Time Stepping Oil-Immersed Power Transformer
Liu Gang, Hao Shiyuan, Zhu Zhangchen, Gao Chenglong, Liu Yunpeng
Hebei Provincial Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment Security Defense North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China
Abstract:In response to the current problem of slow calculation of transient temperature rise in oil-immersed power transformer windings, this paper proposes a dynamic mode decomposition (DMD)-adaptive time stepping (ATS) fast calculation strategy combined with dynamic mode decomposition method and adaptive variable step size method. Firstly, a dynamic mode decomposition algorithm is introduced using change features from the first few steps in the dynamic system to approximate the system changes over a period of time. The calculation time is reduced by selecting the primary mode and retaining the main change features of the system. The dynamic evolution rules of the system are obtained by decomposing the observation data of complex systems. Thus, rapid prediction of winding temperature rise is achieved. Secondly, this paper integrates the DMD theory and the ATS method to optimize the number of transient calculation steps. Adjusting the adaptive step size in transient calculation reduces the number of calculation steps, thereby reducing the overall transient calculation time. A numerical heat transfer model is established for the eight-zone split turn winding. The results of the proposed algorithm and the Fluent simulation are almost identical, with a maximum calculation error of no more than 0.3 K at the monitoring point position. The total computational time of the proposed algorithm is 5.99 seconds, only 1/89 of the Fluent simulation. Moreover, the time steps of the DMD-ATS algorithm for transient processes are only 4.7% of that of the Fluent simulation, indicating that the adaptive step size adjustment can effectively accelerate the transient calculation process. Finally, a temperature rise experimental platform is constructed based on the winding structure of oil-immersed power transformers. The temperature rise of the windings under operating conditions is measured, and the calculation results are compared with the experimental results. The maximum error in the field domain appears at 4.57 K, and the maximum average error is 3.46K, within an acceptable range throughout the entire temperature rise process. The proposed algorithm has a calculation time of 2.53 seconds and a preprocessing time of 66.61 seconds. Due to the combination of the ATS adaptive variable step-size method, the simulation time of 14410-27580 seconds is reduced from 1317-time steps to only 17-time steps. The computational efficiency is improved compared to traditional physical field numerical algorithms, which verifies the engineering application value of the proposed algorithm. This paper provides a new approach for rapidly calculating transient temperature rise in the windings of oil-immersed power transformers.
刘刚, 郝世缘, 朱章宸, 高成龙, 刘云鹏. 基于动态模态分解-自适应变步长油浸式电力变压器绕组瞬态温升快速计算方法[J]. 电工技术学报, 2024, 39(12): 3895-3906.
Liu Gang, Hao Shiyuan, Zhu Zhangchen, Gao Chenglong, Liu Yunpeng. Research on Rapid Calculation Method of Transient Temperature Rise of Winding of Dynamic Mode Decomposition-Adaptive Time Stepping Oil-Immersed Power Transformer. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2024, 39(12): 3895-3906.
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