In electrostatic precipitators, changes in electrode structure can affect the distribution of flow fields, which are crucial for particle motion. In order to further improve the dust removal efficiency of electrostatic precipitators, this paper proposes a electrohydraulic field electrode structure. The influence of electrode structure on the electric field characteristics and electrohydraulic field inside the electrostatic precipitator is simulated and experimented and uses a combination of numerical simulation and experimental methods to study. This paper first establishes a numerical model using the simulation method of high-speed ion jet coupled electrohydraulic field. In this model, it assumes an initial wind speed in the electrohydraulic field control equations and only considers the area 1 mm around the discharge electrode as a high-speed ion jet source when studying the electrohydraulic field state. The perturbation of the electrohydraulic field caused by the ionic wind jet is then fit using a two-way coupling between the newly added high-speed ion jet source and the electrohydraulic field equations. The initial jet wind speed surrounding the discharge electrode is setted at 5.76 m/s, 10.82 m/s, 15.68 m/s, and 19.53 m/s when the voltage is 35 kV, 40 kV, 45 kV, and 50 kV, respectively, based on the actual wind speed measured in the experiment. The paper simultaneously used particle image velocimetry to measure the electrohydraulic state of two electrode structures at different voltages. The smoke with the main airflow flows directly to the camera shooting area, so that the laser source and the shooting surface perpendicular to use camera software to save photos, post-processing using Matlab software in the PIV module for the electrohydraulic field state analysis.
Simulation and experimental results show that, the dislocation plate's space charge density is greater than that of the wire-plate type. At the T-shaped structure, the dislocation plate's electric field strength is four times greater than that of the wire-plate type. The corona currents of the dislocation plate and the wire-plate type structure are 12.8μA and 6.7μA, respectively, which are each 6.1μA more than that of the wire-plate type. The average flow velocities of 1cm in front of the dust collector plate at an intake wind speed of 0.9m/s are 1.28m/s for the wire-plate dust collector and 0.68m/s for the dislocation plate dust collector. Likewise, as inlet wind speed rises, the effect of the dislocation plate's reduction in near-plate flow velocity also becomes increasingly clear. The electrohydraulic field distributions obtained from experiment and simulation are fairly similar when comparing the electrohydraulic field states at 40 kV for the dislocation plate and the wire-plate type voltages, respectively.
The main conclusions of this paper are: (1) The dislocation plate type can increase the space charge density, electric field strength, and corona discharge strength in comparison to the wire-plate type. (2) From the standpoint of the electrohydraulic field, the dislocation plate arrangement can lengthen the duration that particles are retained in the dust collector and reduce the ionic wind's tendency to scrub the pole plate. (3) The high-speed ion jet linked electrohydraulic field simulation method yielded simulation data that was compatible with the experimental findings, demonstrating the technology's viability.
李庆, 郭朋朋, 武磊, 张银楠, 乔音音, 何寿杰. 电极结构对电除尘器内电流体场影响的实验与模拟研究[J]. 电工技术学报, 0, (): 230919-230919.
Li Qing, Guo Pengpeng, Wu Lei, Zhang Yinnan, Qiao Yinyin, He Shoujie. Experimental and Simulation Study on the Effect of Electrode Structure on the Electrohydraulic Field in Electrostatic Precipitators. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 0, (): 230919-230919.
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