Hybrid Energy Storage System Capacity Configuration Strategy for Stabilizing Wind Power Fluctuation Considering SOC Self-recovery
Zhao Jingying1,2, Qiao Hengpu1,2, Yao Shuailiang3, Li Ning1,2
1. School of Electrical Engineering Hebei University of Technology Tianjin 300401 China;
2. State Key Laboratory for Reliability and Intelligence of Electrical Equipment Tianjin 300401 China 3. State Grid Hebei Zhangjiakou Scenery Storage and Transportation New Energy Co. Ltd Zhangjiakou 075000 China
针对混合储能系统(hybrid energy storage system, HESS)平抑风电功率波动过程中HESS有功功率参考误差大、储能荷电状态(State of Charge,SOC)控制困难造成储能配置成本过高的问题,提出考虑SOC自恢复的混合储能系统容量优化配置策略。首先,考虑单一风电平抑滤波算法平滑性与跟踪性不能兼顾的问题,提出限幅与滑动平均加权滤波算法,动态调整算法权重和限幅参数,降低并网功率滞后时间,提升HESS有功功率参考准确性。然后,引入HESS累积放电量为分解对象,研究基于频率划分的HESS有功功率分配方法,避免功率参考二次修正、实现储能SOC自恢复控制。最后,以储能配置成本最低为目标,建立HESS全生命周期优化配置模型。风电场实测数据驱动,设计仿真验证方案,结果表明:本文策略可提高储能风电波动补偿裕度,降低储能配置成本。
Wind power is randomly distributed. The direct integration of large-scale wind power for the grid causes a huge impact on the power grid. Energy storage devices installed in wind farms reduces the impact of wind power fluctuations on the power grid. In order to stabilize the fluctuation of wind power output, a capacity configuration strategy of hybrid energy storage system (HESS) based on the combination of supercapacitors and lithium iron phosphate batteries was proposed. The HESS power command is inaccurate due to the lag in the smoothing results of wind power fluctuation flattening filter algorithm. A limiting and sliding average weighted filtering algorithm was proposed to reduce HESS over-discharge. This algorithm updated the algorithm weights based on 10 min scale fluctuation of wind power. When the power fluctuation of wind power in the 10min scale was large, the output ratio of the sliding average filtering algorithm was increased to smooth the long-term fluctuation of wind power. When the 10min scale power fluctuation of wind power was small, the output ratio of the limiting filtering algorithm was increased to ensure the 1min scale fluctuation of wind power to meet the national standard. An algorithm limiting parameter update method was designed to control the self-recovery of the HESS cumulative discharge and reduce the configuration capacity of HESS. Based on the problem that the traditional active power distribution method of HESS power reference as the decomposition object cannot control the state of charge (SOC). An active power distribution method based on the cumulative discharge of HESS as the decomposition object was proposed. This distribution method was used to decompose the cumulative discharge of HESS based on empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and the decomposition result was derived. The component of the HESS output power was differentiated and distributed. Supercapacitors and lithium iron phosphate batteries had obtained power instructions that match their operating characteristics. Considering the constraints such as climbing rate and cycle life, the HESS capacity optimal configuration model of the lowest cost was established. Based on the typical day data of wind turbines without long-term shutdown and the wind power fluctuation smoothing strategy and active power distribution method , three simulation schemes were designed. The simulation results indicate that the grid-connected power fluctuation based on limiting and sliding average weighted filtering algorithm meets the index requirements. The lag time is reduced to 0.2 min. The upper limits of cumulative discharge amount are reduced by 412.1 kW·h. The annual configuration cost of HESS is reduced by 966 463 RMB. Wind power stability is improved. The power reference accuracy of HESS is improved, and the cost of HESS configuration is reduced. Compared with the power distribution method based on HESS power reference, the power distribution method based on HESS cumulative discharge can control the SOC self-recovery of energy storage unit. The wind power fluctuation compensation margins of supercapacitors and lithium iron phosphate batteries are increased by 0.106 3 and 0.004 8. Based on the simulation results, the effectiveness of the wind power fluctuation smoothing strategy and the active power distribution method are verified.
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Zhao Jingying, Qiao Hengpu, Yao Shuailiang, Li Ning. Hybrid Energy Storage System Capacity Configuration Strategy for Stabilizing Wind Power Fluctuation Considering SOC Self-recovery. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 0, (): 230915-.
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