Abstract:The penetration of distributed generation (DG) is increasing on distribution networks due to the “3060 Dual Carbon Goal”. The electricity consumers with DG gradually become the electricity “prosumers”. However, the instability and unpredictability of DG causes the distribution network cost increase. Distribution network tariffs must reflects the supply and demand relationship of the future distribution network. As an objective reflection of distribution network cost, distribution network tariffs show the fairness of users. The objectivity and fairness of tariffs can effectively improve the efficiency of the distribution network and promote the construction and expansion of the distribution network. The cost-sharing of traditional distribution network tariffs is based on voltage level, which can result in a “death spiral” in the utility company. Therefore, the aim of distribution network tariff redesign is high-penetration DG adaption. The aim ensures the fairness of energy sharing for P2P and effectiveness and sustainability of distribution network operation. Firstly, the ideal distribution network tariff composition considering investment recovery is proposed. The distribution network tariff changes of DG integration to the grid with high penetration are obtained. Secondly, the state-of-the-art research in distribution network tariff design is summarized in two aspects: DG-self-use and surplus-grid connection. The distribution tariff design of DG-self-use can be divided into capacity charge, electricity charge, and demand charge. The distribution tariff design of surplus-grid-connection can be divided into feed-in-tariff (TiF), net-metering (NM), and net-purchase-and-sale (NPS). Also, the advantages/disadvantages and applicability of different types of distribution network tariffs are discussed in this paper. Thirdly, a complete tariff design criterion is proposed. Combined with the operation characteristics, the distribution network tariffs in the typical countries are classified into different categories. Based on the design criterion, the emphasis and design concept of distribution network tariffs in the typical countries are comparatively analyzed. Finally, some suggestions for distribution network tariffs design are improved based on the DG distribution and development objectives of China. The following conclusions can be drawn from the analysis: (1) Electricity charge is suitable for complex situations, which require quick adjustment (alleviating transmission congestion). Capacity charge can be applied in the situation of DG prosumers without smart meters or with separate transformers and feeders. Demand charge can motivate controllable DG to adjust peak load or reduce the probability of consistent peak. (2) On the combination of the domestic real needs, CPC/RTP can be widely employed to motivate controllable DG. The electricity charge design of Denmark can be used to regulate uncontrollable DG; SBBM models of Netherlands are suitable for the EV region with high permeability. Design again the capacity charge/ demand charge to be used for peak electricity consumption region. Demand charge of the U.S. and community energy management method in the UK can be used in DPV endorsement region. (3) In addition, the electricity market degree should be considered to promote the development. The charging reform cannot accomplish in one stroke, on the contrary, coordination and development of the course are length main thread. Therefore, it is necessary to set up other market mechanisms to promote the applicability of distribution network tariffs design.
林雪杉, 张汀荟, 王蓓蓓. 高渗透率分布式发电并网下公共配电网市场化收费的思考[J]. 电工技术学报, 2023, 38(19): 5256-5273.
Lin Xueshan, Zhang Tinghui, Wang Beibei. Review of Distribution Network Tariff Design with High-Penetration of Distributed Generation. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2023, 38(19): 5256-5273.
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