The energy method is complete and self-consistent in calculating the inductance of conductor segments with accurate calculation results. However, integrating the whole field is complicated, and the calculation efficiency could be higher. It is necessary to integrate the conductor area, and the calculation is simple using the magnetic flux method. Therefore it has been widely used in the inductance calculation of conductor segments. However, the method does not satisfy the current continuity law, which leads to calculation errors. Accordingly, the current distribution of parallel conductor segments based on the magnetic flux method also has errors that have yet to be studied in the existing literature.
This paper is specified to parallel filament conductors with single-end injection and single-end outflow, which are common in engineering. The inductance matrices of the parallel filament conductors are extracted by the flux method and the energy method, respectively. The parallel branch currents are derived by the flux method and the energy method. The error formula of parallel branch current by magnetic flux method is obtained. The error is proportional to the actual current and only related to the self-inductance of the parallel conductor and the distance between injection and outflow points. The correctness of the proposed error formula is verified by the current distribution calculation results of the filament conductors with 5 branches and 10 branches in parallel. When the length of the current injection lead is 100 times its radius, the error of the branch current calculated by the magnetic flux method is 12 %.
For parallel filament conductor segments with multi-ended outflow, the influence of distance and length of parallel conductors and the length of the connecting lead on calculation error are studied through systematic theoretical calculation. Regarding the parallel filament conductor segments with multi-ended injection and multi-ended current outflow, the larger the distance between the parallel fine conductors, the weaker the magnetic field coupling and the smaller the mutual inductance. Moreover, the current calculation error of the branch by the flux method decreases, which tends to the current calculation error of a single conductor. The magnetic field coupling of the parallel filament conductor segments with single-ended injection and multi-ended current outflow is between that with single-ended injection and multi-ended outflow model and that with multi-ended injection and multi-ended outflow model. With the increase of lead length, the error of the flux method increases, but its rate gradually decreases, approximately satisfying the logarithmic law. When the distance between parallel conductors is large enough, the current error of the center conductors decreases, and the current error of the edge conductors increases. When the distance between conductors is large enough, the edge conductor current of the flux method is even much larger than the real current.
This paper's theoretical analysis and calculation revise the current distribution results of parallel filament conductors calculated by the magnetic flux method, improve the calculation accuracy without reducing the calculation speed and provide references for engineering applications.
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