电工技术学报  2019, Vol. 34 Issue (zk2): 534-542    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.L80714
电力电子 |
刘佳斌1, 肖曦1, 梅红伟2
1. 清华大学电机系电力系统及大型发电设备安全控制和仿真国家重点实验室 北京 100084;
2. 清华大学深圳研究生院 深圳 518055
Soft Switching Analysis of Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converter Based on GaN-HEMT Device
Liu Jiabin1, Xiao Xi1, Mei Hongwei2
1. State Key Lab of Security Control and Simulation of Power Systems and Large Scale Generation Equipment Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China;
2. Graduate School at Shenzhen Tsinghua University Shenzhen 518055 China
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对运用双有源桥DC-DC变换器(DAB)的软开关电路进行了建模,并依据此模型,对运用不同开关管的DAB软开关范围进行对比。首先,介绍传统移相控制下的DAB的工作原理,推导辅助电感的电流值。然后,对DAB的左右全桥的开关管进行了软开通电路建模。通过对MOSFET和GaN-HEMT两种开关管的输出电容进行数值拟合,对比二者在不同工作状况下的开通过程,发现运用GaN-HEMT能够扩大软开关范围。之后,根据GaN器件结构的特点,对不同死区时间下的电流尖峰和电路损耗进行对比。最后,基于Pspice仿真软件得到了不同条件下软开关的电感电流和寄生电容电压波形,分析了变换器的功率特性,并搭建 GaN-HEMT 实验平台进行了实验验证。

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关键词 双有源桥GaN-HEMT软开关死区时间    

In this paper, we analyze the circuit model of soft-switching of dual active bridge based on GaN-HEMT device, and compare the soft-switching range of different transistors. First, we present the traditional phase modulation principle and derive the value of auxiliary inductor current. The circuit model of the full bridge is built and the parasitic output capacitance of MOSFET and GaN-HEMT are numerically fitted respectively. Furthermore, the ZVS switching time and the region of DAB under different working conditions are calculated and compared based on different transistors. Based on the characteristics of gallium nitride devices, the dead zone is optimized to reduce the switching current peak of the devices and the circuit loss. Finally, the inductor current and capacitance voltage is verified by Pspice software and the power characteristic curve is analyzed. The experimental of GaN-HEMT is built for verification.

Key wordsDual active bridge    GaN-HEMT    soft-switching    deadtime   
收稿日期: 2018-07-09      出版日期: 2020-01-02
PACS: TM46  
作者简介: 刘佳斌 女,1994年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为宽禁带半导体的应用。E-mail: liujb16@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn;肖 曦 男,1973年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为高性能伺服电机控制、机器人驱动控制技术、海浪发电技术、电力储能与微电网技术等。E-mail: xiao_xi@tsinghua.edu.cn(通信作者)
刘佳斌, 肖曦, 梅红伟. 基于GaN-HEMT器件的双有源桥DC-DC变换器的软开关分析[J]. 电工技术学报, 2019, 34(zk2): 534-542. Liu Jiabin, Xiao Xi, Mei Hongwei. Soft Switching Analysis of Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converter Based on GaN-HEMT Device. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2019, 34(zk2): 534-542.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.L80714          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2019/V34/Izk2/534