Simplified Implementation of Optimal Switching Sequences for Nonorthogonal Space Vector Modulation of Three Level Converter
Li Weiwei1, Zhang Xueguang1, Wan Zishen1, Zhao Yini2, Xu Dianguo1
1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China; 2. Communications Satellite Division China Academy of Space Technology Beijing 100084 China
Abstract:In three-level converter applications, the nonorthogonal frame space vector modulation method is widely used, because it is simpler than conventional orthogonal frame method. However, the implementation of optimal switching sequences based on look up table does not take advantage of the simplicity and intuitiveness of this method. Based on the unique symmetric property of nonorthogonal vector space, a new simple implementation process is proposed in this paper. This new method consists of only two steps of adjustment, and assures both the optimal switching sequences and the simplicity of nonorthogonal algorithm. The new method is verified by simulation and experiment in comparison with conventional orthogonal algorithm, and the results confirm that the same output waveform and harmonic performance are maintained.
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Li Weiwei, Zhang Xueguang, Wan Zishen, Zhao Yini, Xu Dianguo. Simplified Implementation of Optimal Switching Sequences for Nonorthogonal Space Vector Modulation of Three Level Converter. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2019, 34(zk1): 181-188.
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