A Three-Element Inductive Power Transfer System with High Misalignment Tolerance
Feng Hao1, Cai Tao1, Duan Shanxu1, Zhao Jinbo2, Zhang Xiaoming1
1. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 Chinam. 2. Laboratory of Low-Frequency Electro-Magnetic Communication Technology The 722th Research Institution CSIC Wuhan 430205 China
Abstract:Conventional LCL based inductive power transfer systems realizes output voltage gain independent of load condition, while its power transfer characteristic is easily influenced by coupling factor and thus unsuitable for dynamic charging application. In this paper, an LCL based compensation topology with high tolerance to misalignment is proposed. From the perspective of smoothing voltage gain, the rated voltage gain and output impedance are quantified as function of coupling factor and passive elements parameters. The three-element compensation network is fabricated by adding one degree of design freedom. The voltage gain characteristic indicates that the proposed topology can keep relatively constant output under wide fluctuation of coupling condition. Finally, a prototype is built. Experiment results show good agreement with theoretical analysis.
丰昊, 蔡涛, 段善旭, 赵锦波, 张晓明. 一种抗宽范围耦合系数波动的三元件补偿型感应式能量传输系统[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(增刊2): 10-17.
Feng Hao, Cai Tao, Duan Shanxu, Zhao Jinbo, Zhang Xiaoming. A Three-Element Inductive Power Transfer System with High Misalignment Tolerance. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(增刊2): 10-17.
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