Targeted Power Transfer Method for Omnidirectional Wireless Power Transfer System Based on Mutual Inductance Identification and Phase-Shift Angle Optimization
Feng Tianxu1, Shi Ke1, Sun Yue2, Wang Peiyue1, Jiang Jincheng1
1. College of Automation Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications Chongqing 400065 China; 2. College of Automation Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China
Abstract:The omnidirectional wireless power transfer(WPT) technology is favored by scholars at home and abroad because of its good anti-positional and angular misalignment performance.The efficiency of an omnidirectional WPT system can be improved by pointing the synthetic magnetic field generated by the omnidirectional transmitter to the receiver.To achieve this goal, it is necessary to detect the receiver's orientation and control the transmitter's excitation current in real-time.However, the current research lacks effective methods to identify the orientation of the receiver and adjust the excitation current. To this end, an omnidirectional WPT system targeted power transfer method based on mutual inductance identification and phase-shift angle optimization is proposed in this work.In this method, the orientation of the "target" (i.e., the receiver) is indirectly determined by mutual inductance identification, and the excitation current required for targeted power transmission is obtained by phase-shift angleoptimization.This method can realize the maximum efficiency transmission of the magnetic coupler. Besides, it does not need to detect the orientation of the receiver, nor does it need a communication link. As the composite planar coil has the omnidirectional power transmittingcapability andthe advantages of saving installation space, this paper takes this as an example to illustrate the proposed targeted power transfer method.The composite plane coil structure iscomposed of three transmitting coils (two crossed 8-shaped coils and a circular coil), and it is used as the transmitter, while a disc coil works as the receiver. To control the excitation current of the three transmitting coils separately, three independent inverters with phase-shift control are used to drive the three transmitting coils.The LCC compensation network and series compensation capacitorare used on the primary and secondary sides respectively.Then, the relationship between the magnetic coupler efficiency, mutual inductance, and phase shift angle is derived.On this base, an omnidirectional WPT system targeted power transfer method based on mutual inductance identification and phase-shift angle optimization is proposed.In the process of mutual inductance identification, the inverter is excited separately to identify the size of mutual inductance, and the inverter is excited cooperatively to identify the symbol of mutual inductance.In the process of phase-shift angle optimization, the maximum efficiency is taken as the optimization objective, and the optimal phase-shift angle is obtained by solving the extreme value of the ternary function. Finally, the flowchart of mutual inductanceidentification and phase-shift angle optimizationisgiven. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, a 100W-level experimental setupis built. The working principle of the proposed targetedpower transfer method is further expounded experimentally from three angular misalignments of the receiver.The power and efficiency of the receiver measured under three angular misalignments are 81W - 86.6%, 96W - 87.1%, and 94W - 84.7%, respectively.Besides, three rotation types and three offset types of the receiver are selected to test the omnidirectional powering performance.The rotational method and the same current excitation method are introduced to compare with the proposed directional method.The experimental results show that the same current excitation method can not achieve omnidirectional powering, and the efficiency of the directional method is at least 10% higher than that of the rotational method. The dc-dc efficiency of the proposed system is more than 80% when the receiver moves or rotates arbitrarily within ±60 mm.The proposed system and method have a promising value for the application of multi-degree-of-freedom wireless charging of mobile electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets.
冯天旭, 史可, 孙跃, 王佩月, 蒋金橙. 基于互感识别及移相角优化的全方位WPT系统靶向传能方法[J]. 电工技术学报, 0, (): 89-89.
Feng Tianxu, Shi Ke, Sun Yue, Wang Peiyue, Jiang Jincheng. Targeted Power Transfer Method for Omnidirectional Wireless Power Transfer System Based on Mutual Inductance Identification and Phase-Shift Angle Optimization. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 0, (): 89-89.
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