Full Life Cycle Economic Evaluation of Wind Power-Hydrogen Energy Storage and Coal Chemical Multi-Functional Coupling System
Li Guojun1, Yuan Tiejiang1,4, Sun Yiqian2, Chen Guangyu3, Mei Shengwei1,4
1. School of Electrical Engineering Xinjiang University Urumqi 830047 China; 2. The National Network of Xinjiang Electric Power Research Institute Urumqi 830011 China; 3. State Grid Jibei Electric Power Co. Ltd Chengde Power Supply Company Chengde 067000 China; 4. State Key Laboratory of Power Systems Department of Electrical Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China
Abstract:Aimat economic evaluation problems about Wind Power-Hydrogen Energy Storage and Coal Chemical Multi-Functional Coupling System(WP-HES&CCMFCS), this article put forward a method about full life cycle economic evaluation in Multi-Functional coupling system. Firstly, state the integration scheme of Multi-Functional coupling system; Secondly, established the optimized mathematical model of Multi-Functional coupling system by the purpose of full life cycle net profit when take as much as possible consumption of wind power and WP-HES&CCPC energy flow and stable operation of coupling system as a constraint condition, and calculated the above model for investment offer off period and full life cycle net profit. At last calculated the optimal mathematical model of given integrated architecture of Multi-Functional coupling system by taking a wind farm in a region of Xinjiang and coal chemical enterprises as the back ground, and further analyzed the changing rule of system investment offer off period and full life cycle net profit under the condition that the wind power grid scale and wind power non-electric consumption scale in the basis of prescriptive application scenarios.
李国军, 袁铁江, 孙谊媊, 陈广宇, 梅生伟. 风电-氢储能与煤化工多能耦合系统全寿命周期经济性评估[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(21): 132-142.
Li Guojun, Yuan Tiejiang, Sun Yiqian, Chen Guangyu, Mei Shengwei. Full Life Cycle Economic Evaluation of Wind Power-Hydrogen Energy Storage and Coal Chemical Multi-Functional Coupling System. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(21): 132-142.
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