电工技术学报  2016, Vol. 31 Issue (2): 196-205    DOI:
电力系统 |
吴泓俭1, 2, 雷霞1, 刘斌3, 芦杨1, 徐贵阳1
1. 西华大学电力电子节能技术与装备重点实验室 成都 610039;
2. 国网达州供电公司 达州 635000;
3. 福建省电力有限公司南平电业局 南平 353000
Membrane Computing Based Genetic Algorithm for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Distribution Network with Dividing Time and Considering Electric Vehicles and Wind Turbines
Wu Hongjian1, 2, Lei Xia1, Liu Bin3, Lu Yang1, Xu Guiyang1
1. Key Laboratory of Power Electronic Energy-Saving Technology Equipment Xihua University Chengdu 610039 China;
2. Stage Grid Dazhou Power Supply Company Dazhou 635000 China;
3. Nanping Power Bureau of Fujian Power Grid Corp. Nanping 353000 China
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摘要 在新能源不断接入配电网的环境下,配电网分时段动态重构变得越来越重要。配电网分时段动态重构模型中考虑了电力公司从风电机组的购电成本、随机波动性成本、电动汽车充放电成本和网络损耗成本等。在满足各时段配电网安全运行等约束条件下,以配网经济性最优为目标函数确定最终的开关组合,该模型反映了风电机组和不同类型电动汽车对电网经济性的影响。为克服重构中产生大量重复解,提出等份交叉概率选择法,并提出一种膜计算与改进遗传算法相结合的遗传膜算法对上述模型进行求解,该算法克服了基本遗传算法的“早熟”问题。实验验证了上述模型和方法的正确性和有效性。
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关键词 动态重构风电机组不同类型电动汽车等份交叉概率选择法遗传膜算法    
Abstract:Dynamic reconfiguration with dividing time is becoming more and more important in the distribution network with more new energy. The dynamic reconfiguration model of distribution network with dividing time is established for electric power company, considering the costs of purchasing electricity from wind turbines, stochastic volatility, electric vehicle charging and discharging, and network loss. The final switch combination can be decided by minimum network cost with safe operation in each period. The model reflects the comprehensive effect of wind turbines and different kinds of electric vehicles on grid economy. Equal sections crossover probability selection method is used to overcome a large amount of duplicate solutions in the reconfiguration, and the improved algorithm based on the genetic membrane algorithm (GMA) is presented. The global searching capability of the algorithm is improved. Finally, the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed model and method are verified.
Key wordsDynamic reconfiguration    wind turbine    different kinds of electric vehicle    equal sections crossover probability selection method    genetic membrane algorithm   
收稿日期: 2013-12-23      出版日期: 2016-03-03
PACS: TM731  
通讯作者: 吴泓俭 男,1988年生,硕士,研究方向为含新能源的配电网重构和故障恢复及检修等。E-mail: 576910374@qq.com   
作者简介: 雷 霞 女,1973年生,教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为电力市场、调度自动化、配电自动化等。E-mail: 274757067@qq.com
吴泓俭, 雷霞, 刘斌, 芦杨, 徐贵阳. 基于遗传膜算法的含风电机组和电动汽车的配电网分时段动态重构[J]. 电工技术学报, 2016, 31(2): 196-205. Wu Hongjian, Lei Xia, Liu Bin, Lu Yang, Xu Guiyang. Membrane Computing Based Genetic Algorithm for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Distribution Network with Dividing Time and Considering Electric Vehicles and Wind Turbines. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2016, 31(2): 196-205.