1.School of Electrical Engineering Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China 2.Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Co.Ltd Guangzhou 510080 China
Abstract:To improve the accuracy of the chemical diagnosis method used for estimating the insulation status in the gas insulated switchgear (GIS),it is important to assess effects of adsorbents on the evolving law of target gases under partial discharges in GIS.Different conditions,including without adsorbent and adding three different kinds of adsorbents (5A,F-03 and KDHF-03) separately,are taken into consideration to study the variation of target gases under partial discharges in GIS based on a needle-plate model on a small simulation test platform.The result shows that the contents of the four major target gases,i.e. SO2,SOF2,SO2F2 and HF,will decrease at different levels after adding adsorbents.The adsorption amount of SOF2,SO2F2 by 5A is eminently less than that by F-03 and KDHF-03.Effects of different adsorbents on SO2 and HF are almost the same.The adsorption rates on HF are all more than 96%,while the amount of SO2 is with in the limit of quantification of gas analysis system after adding three different adsorbents.The factor C(SOF2)/C(SO2F2) is proposed as a new diagnostic characteristic for partial discharges,which could reduce the influence of different adsorbents on assessing insulation condition by chemical diagnosis method in GIS.
乔胜亚,周文俊,唐念,郑宇,李丽. 不同吸附剂对GIS局部放电特征气体 变化规律的影响[J]. 电工技术学报, 2016, 31(3): 113-120.
Qiao Shengya ,Zhou Wenjun, Tang Nian, Zheng Yu ,Li Li. Effects of Different Adsorbents on the Evolving Law of Target Gases Under Partial Discharges in GIS. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2016, 31(3): 113-120.
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