Abstract:In recent years, the multi-load magnetic-coupling wireless power transfer technology has become a research hotspot. The system topology acts as a key research content, and determines whether the technology can meet the needs of different application scenarios. For this reason, this paper reviewed and analyzed the multi-load magnetic-coupling wireless power transfer system topology. Firstly, the topology of the magnetic-coupling wireless power transfer system was classified. Secondly, the topologies of single-capacitor compensation, high-order impedance matching, domino structure, and multi-channel types were analyzed. Next, the working principles, advantages and disadvantages or application occasions of the main types of topologies were analyzed based on the number of power supplies and transmitting coils, compensation network types, system construction methods, and the way of power transfer. Finally, the problems faced by the multi-load magnetic- coupling wireless power transfer system topology were proposed, and the future development trend was prospected.
孙淑彬, 张波, 李建国, 疏许健, 荣超. 多负载磁耦合无线电能传输系统的拓扑发展和分析[J]. 电工技术学报, 2022, 37(8): 1885-1903.
Sun Shubin, Zhang Bo, Li Jianguo, Shu Xujian, Rong Chao. Analysis and Development on Topologies of Multi-Load Magnetic-Coupling Wireless Power Transfer System. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2022, 37(8): 1885-1903.
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