Abstract:The sliding mode controller can effectively improve the robustness of induction motor (IM) current loop. However, the conventional sliding mode controller has serious chattering problems. Although the chattering can be effectively suppressed by introducing the reaching law, the system state variable cannot achieve finite-time convergence. To address this problem, this paper proposes a nonlinear integral sliding mode current controller for IM drives. The proposed approach can suppress the system chattering and achieve finite-time convergence simultaneously. Firstly, a nonlinear integral sliding surface is designed to avoid the integral saturation problem caused by large initial error. Secondly, the adaptive convergence of state variable can be achieved by introducing the information of sliding surface into the control law, which effectively weakens the system chattering. The experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
王勃, 王天擎, 于泳, 罗成, 徐殿国. 感应电机电流环非线性积分滑模控制策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(10): 2039-2048.
Wang Bo, Wang Tianqing, Yu Yong, Luo Cheng, Xu Dianguo. Nonlinear Integral Sliding Mode Control Strategy for Current Loop of Induction Motor Drives. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2021, 36(10): 2039-2048.
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