Active Charge Dissipation Method for Surface Charge on the Surface of DC GIS/GIL Insulator Based on Short-Time X-Ray Irradiation
Wang Feng1, Liang Fangwei1, Zhong Lipeng1, Chen She1, Xie Yi2
1. College of Electrical and Information Engineering Hunan University Changsha 410082 China;
2. Electric Power Research Institution Hunan Electric Power Company Changsha 410007 China
DC gas insulated switchgear/gas insulated transmission line (GIS/GIL) insulator will accumulate a large amount of charge on its surface during long-term operation, which can easily cause abnormal surface flashover. In recent years, many researchers have carried out a lot of fruitful work. The mechanisms of charge accumulation and dissipation on insulator surface have been deeply revealed. However, the challenge to efficiently dissipate surface charges in GIS/GIL when keep the tank closed is still unsolved. An active surface charge dissipation method based on short-time X-rays irradiation has been proposed in this paper. It has found by experiment that 30s X-ray irradiation can dissipate nearly all surface charges when the gas medium is air. The dissipation mechanism of surface charges on insulator has been studied. Conduction of charges through gas channel and escape of trapped surface charges can be promoted by X-ray irradiation, so that the dissipation rate will be greatly increased. The results provide a new idea for realizing rapid surface charge dissipation on the surface of insulator in GIS/GIL without opening the tanks, which has great significance for the engineering application of DC GIS/GIL.
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Wang Feng, Liang Fangwei, Zhong Lipeng, Chen She, Xie Yi. Active Charge Dissipation Method for Surface Charge on the Surface of DC GIS/GIL Insulator Based on Short-Time X-Ray Irradiation. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2020, 35(14): 3147-3152.
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