Abstract:A wavelet-based electromagnetic timereversal (WEMTR) method for locating faults in transmission lines of voltage source converter basedhigh voltage direct current system (VSC-HVDC) is proposed in this paper. This principle, firstly, is to decompose the recorded 1-mode fault currents at the ends of the transmission lines by using wavelet technology. Secondly, the filtered currents are imaged with time axis, which means time reversal. Thirdly, the time reversed currents are set as current sources at the ends of the lossless mirror transmission line. After assuming metallic faults at everywhere of line, the RMSs of assumed fault currents are calculated, and peak value of all RMSs appears at the actual fault location. Theoretically, the proposed method is robust against fault types and fault resistances. A modular multilevel converterbased HVDC system (MMC-HVDC) is established in PSCAD/EMTDC to verify the method, and the transmission line is simulated by frequencyindependent phase model. The results show that, the fault location can be achieved exactly without high sampling rates.
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