Multi-Objective Optimization Dispatch of Active Distribution Network Based on Dynamic Schedule Priority
Huang Wei1, Xiong Weipeng1, Hua Liangliang2, Liu Lifu1, Liu Zifa1
1. School of Electrical and Electric Engineering North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. State Grid of Tongliao Inner Mongolia Tongliao 028000 China
Abstract:The dispatch technology of active distribution network which involves the interaction between supply side and demand side has provided a new idea to cope with the access of high proportion of renewable energy resources. Under the circumstance of various uncertainties, a interact dispatch mechanism is established in this paper, which considered the demand side resources (such as flexible load, electric vehicle) and supply side resources (such as energy storage system, controllable distribution generator). The dynamic schedule priority evaluation system is also proposed, which take the real-state status information and historical date of schedulable resources into account. Based on the evaluation results, all kinds of schedulable resources are controlled to achieve the optimization dispatch goal, which is minimizing the dispatch costs, maximizing the utilization of renewable energy resources, and promoting the consumer satisfaction level. Finally, improved particle swarm optimization is applied in this paper to solve the dispatch model, and numerical simulations on a 11-bus distribution network illustrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the dispatch model and the optimal algorithm.
黄伟, 熊伟鹏, 华亮亮, 刘立夫, 刘自发. 基于动态调度优先级的主动配电网多目标优化调度[J]. 电工技术学报, 2018, 33(15): 3486-3498.
Huang Wei, Xiong Weipeng, Hua Liangliang, Liu Lifu, Liu Zifa. Multi-Objective Optimization Dispatch of Active Distribution Network Based on Dynamic Schedule Priority. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2018, 33(15): 3486-3498.
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