电工技术学报  2016, Vol. 31 Issue (20): 102-110    DOI:
电机与电器 |
朱鹏1, 乔鸣忠1, 张晓锋1, 易俊2, 魏永清1
1. 海军工程大学电气工程学院 武汉 430033;
2. 重庆邮电大学光电工程学院 重庆 400065
The Effects of Third Harmonic Current Injection on Operation Performance of Five-Phase Induction Motor
Zhu Peng1, Qiao Mingzhong1, Zhang Xiaofeng1, Yi Jun2, Wei Yongqing1
1. College of Electric Engineering Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China;
2. College of Optoelectronics Engineering Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications Chongqing 400065 China