Experiment Study of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Shielding Effectiveness for Composite Materials
Jiao Chongqing1, Niu Shuai2, Li Lin1
1.State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. Cangzhou Power Supply Company State Grid Hebei Electric Power Company Cangzhou 061004 China
Abstract:In order to get the power frequency electric and magnetic shielding effectiveness of the composite materials, the experiment test methods are proposed respectively based on shielding enclosure method. By analyzing the experiment results when adjusting the test scheme, the experiment method is improved. The distributions of the electric field inside and outside of the shielding enclosure are obtained through the experiment. The experiment results can be used to determine the position of the electronic devices under protect in the shielding enclosure and guide the design of electromagnetic shielding enclosures.
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Jiao Chongqing, Niu Shuai, Li Lin. Experiment Study of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Shielding Effectiveness for Composite Materials. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(10): 1-6.
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