电工技术学报  2021, Vol. 36 Issue (8): 1569-1578    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.201185
电工理论 |
公延飞1, 陈星彤2, 高超飞3, 孙剑1
1.北京信息科技大学光电测试技术及仪器教育部重点实验室 北京 100192;
2.国网能源研究院有限公司 北京 102209;
3.北京信息科技大学自动化学院 北京 100192
An Analytical Model for the Fast Prediction of the Shielding Effectiveness and Resonances of a Lossy Enclosure
Gong Yanfei1, Chen Xingtong2, Gao Chaofei3, Sun Jian1
1. Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Optoelectronic Measurement Technology and Instrument Beijing Information Science and Technology University Beijing 100192 China;
2. State Grid Energy Research Institute Beijing 102209 China;
3. School of Automation Beijing Information Science and Technology University Beijing 100192 China