Artificial Accelerated Ageing Test for Composite Material Tower and Its Long-Term Performance Evaluation
Fang Yaqi1, Wang Linong 1, Li Shanshan1, Guo Zhenping2
1.School of Electrical Engineering Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China;
2.Jingzhou Power Supply Company of State Grid Hubei Electric Power Company Jingzhou 434007 China
The ageing process of composite material tower is affected by multi-stress such as high humidity,high-low temperature,UV,rain and strong field in practical operation,and the process is exacerbated due to stress fatigue caused by conductor vibration in strong wind.Thus combined with tower actual running environment in China,a new circulation program for artificial accelerated ageing test was proposed according to IEC 5 000 h multi-stress test procedure.And the reliability and anti-aging capacities of composite material tower were evaluated by monitoring the strain of it via fiber grating sensors implanted in the tower.Before the test,the stress distribution of the tower sample was calculated with finite element method to determine implantation places of fiber grating sensors.In the test,the effect of wind was simulated by a vibration device.The test results show that the tower strain is affected by UV and hydrothermal ageing;the surface of composite material tower remains intact after 5 000 h multi-stress artificial accelerated ageing test,and the strain of tower changes slightly with time,which proves long-term reliability of composite material tower.
方雅琪,王力农,李姗姗,郭真萍. 复合材料杆塔人工加速老化试验及其长期性能评估[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(19): 212-219.
Fang Yaqi, Wang Linong, Li Shanshan, Guo Zhenping. Artificial Accelerated Ageing Test for Composite Material Tower and Its Long-Term Performance Evaluation. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(19): 212-219.
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