Abstract:The element by element parallel finite element method(EBE-PFEM) has not been applied to engineering eddy current calculation till now. It is not easy to apply this efficient method directly due to the ill-conditioned system equations of engineering eddy current problems which consist of different conductive materials. This paper proposes a solution to the difficulty from both sides of the mathematical model and algorithm implementation. The modified magnetic vector potential and second order vector potential are adopted to simplify the mathematical model and improve the property of the system equations. The EBE-PFEM is introduced to reduce the large memory request and hardness of solution for eddy current analysis in large electrical equipments. Furthermore, the implementation process of EBE-PFEM on graphic processing units(GPU) is given.
唐任远, 吴东阳, 谢德馨. 单元级别并行有限元法求解工程涡流场的关键问题研究[J]. 电工技术学报, 2014, 29(5): 1-8.
Tang Renyuan, Wu Dongyang, Xie Dexin. Research on the Key Problem of Element by Element Parallel FEM Applied to Engineering Eddy Current Analysis. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2014, 29(5): 1-8.
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