梁海平, 郝杰, 顾雪平
华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院 保定 071003
Optimization of System Partitioning Schemes for Black-Start Restoration Considering the Successful Rate of Node Restoration
Liang Haiping, Hao Jie, Gu Xueping
North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China
摘要 互联电网发生大停电事故后, 合理的分区并行恢复策略对于加快系统的恢复进程, 提高系统恢复成功的概率具有重要意义。本文提出一种计及节点恢复成功率的黑启动分区方案优化策略, 将电网中输电线路投运的不确定性和网架结构的灵活性因素综合考虑到分区策略中, 应用图论中根据最小路集求解系统正常运行概率的方法, 求解出目标节点恢复成功的概率, 并由此设定了分区判定函数。同时, 根据发电机组的启动特性和输电线路的运行参数, 提取了评价分区和分区内部子系统网架重构效果的指标, 建立了分区优化目标函数。最后, 本文采用交叉粒子群优化算法实现分区恢复优化问题的求解。
关键词 :
最小路集 ,
节点恢复成功率 ,
分区优化 ,
网络重构 ,
Abstract :After large scale blackout of interconnected power system, an effective partitioning scheme with logical parallel recovery strategies would greatly speed up the entire restoration process and promote the probability of successful recovery. In this paper, a new method of optimizing the system partitioning schemes considering the successful rate of node restoration is proposed. With the uncertainty of transmission lines and the complexity of power network structure taken into account, the successful rate of node restoration is calculated by identifying the minimum path sets of the node. Based on this, a new partitioning criterion function is established to determine the optimal belonging zone of the node. According to the starting characteristics of units and the operational parameters of transmission lines, the efficiency of subsystem reconfiguration, the time variance of different zones and the total time it took to form the skeleton network could be obtained. An optimization function is established and the cross particle swarm optimization algorithm is employed to realize the final optimization of the partitioning schemes.
Key words :
Minimum path sets
successful rate of node restoration
optimization of system partitioning
network reconfiguration
收稿日期: 2011-10-08
出版日期: 2014-03-20
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51077052)。
作者简介 : 梁海平 男, 1979年生, 博士研究生, 讲师, 主要研究方向为智能技术在电力系统中的应用。郝杰 女, 1986年生, 硕士研究生, 研究方向为电力系统安全防御与恢复控制。
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Liang Haiping, Hao Jie, Gu Xueping. Optimization of System Partitioning Schemes for Black-Start Restoration Considering the Successful Rate of Node Restoration. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2012, 27(11): 230-238.
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