Capacity Planning Method of Distributed Integrated Energy System with Solar Thermal Composite Compressed Air Energy Storage |
Fang Le1, Liu Chengkui2,3, Chen Xiaotao1, Ma Linrui1, Mei Shengwei1 |
1. New Energy (Photovoltaic) Industry Research Center Qinghai Key Lab of Efficient Utilization of Clean Energy Qinghai University Xining 810016 China; 2. Qinghai Building Materials Research Institute Co. Ltd Xining 810008 China; 3. Qinghai Plateau Key Laboratory of Green Building and Ecological Community Xining 810008 China |
Abstract The development of distributed integrated energy system (DIES) has played a key role in promoting clean energy accommodation and improving comprehensive energy utilization. Based on the abundant solar energy resources and the characteristics of the thermal and electrical coupling DIES in the Qinghai area, this paper proposed a solar thermal composite advanced adiabatic compressed air energy storage (ST-AA-CAES) as an energy hub in DIES. Firstly, DIES was proposed for application scenario of agricultural parks, and the operation constraint model of its subsystems were described. Secondly, the capacity planning model of the DIES, with minimizing the overall investment and operating cost as objective function, was established. The constraint of optimization model can transform into a mixed integer linear programming model, which can be solved by commercial solver. Finally, the effectiveness of proposed model was verified by the study case.
Received: 21 January 2022
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