Capacity Optimization of Distributed PV and Shared Energy Storage of Prosumer Community Based on Cooperative Game |
Wang Zaichuang1, Chen Laijun2, Li Xiaozhu3, Mei Shengwei1,2,3 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering Xinjiang University Urumqi 830046 China; 2. New Energy Photovoltaic Center of Qinghai University Xining 810016 China; 3. Department of Electrical Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China |
Abstract Distributed PV-prosumer community with shared energy storage is an effective way to improve the utilization of energy storage and PV , reduce the investment costs of prosumers. Capacity configuration schemes for shared energy storage and PV within communities need to consider the impact of investment economics and the interaction of the interests of different investment agents. Aiming at this challenge, a collaborative planning method of shared energy storage and distributed PV based on cooperative game is proposed .First, the strategy set and payment function of distributed PV-prosumers and shared energy storage operators are constructed in the framework of cooperative game. Second, the equilibrium strategies of each player under different cooperation models are analyzed, and the improved Shapley value method is used to identify the contribution of different player to the cooperation benefits. Finally, a simulation is carried out based on the actual PV data of a certain place, which shows that the proposed model can maximize the interests of all players and ensure the comprehensive and efficient utilization of resources.
Received: 28 March 2022
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