Magnetic Field Design of Claw-Pole Hybrid Excitation Belt-Driven Starter Generator |
Wang Xiaoyuan, Li Na, Zhao Xiaoxiao, Pang Wei |
College of Electrical Engineering and Information Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China |
Abstract The current design of claw-pole hybrid excitation BSG motor has the problems of low air gap flux density, narrow magnetic field adjustment range, poor power generation performance and low speed output performance. This paper has optimized the design of the motor. Firstly, the structural characteristics and magnetic field adjustment principle of the motor are introduced. A type of three-dimensional finite element method is then applied to optimize the thickness of the permanent magnet, the size of the air gap and the width of the stator slot. Compared with the performance of previous motors, the structure of the optimized motor in this paper has the characteristics of high flux density, good waveform quality, good power generation performance and large starting torque. Furthermore, the prototype test was designed and manufactured. The test results are consistent with the results of finite element analysis, which verifies the accuracy of the finite element simulation.
Received: 18 September 2019
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