The Motor Bearing Discharge Breakdown Based on the Multi-Physics Field Analysis |
Wang Qinqin, Liu Ruifang, Ren Xuejiao |
School of Electrical Engineering Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract Motor bearing discharge process is a key problem in the research of the high frequency bearing current and bearing damage. The multi-physics finite element calculation was adopted to analyze the bearing breakdown process and mechanism. Firstly, combined with the elastohydrodynamic lubrication theory, the formula of the Hertz contact area and the minimum thickness of the bearing oil film between the bearing balls and the bearing races were obtained. Then the bearing breakdown model was established. The electric-thermal coupling simulation of the bearing breakdown was carried out and the temperature rise of the bearing under a certain current excitation was obtained. Finally, based on the melt temperature of the bearing steel, a method for determining the critical current of the bearing electrical corrosion was proposed.
Received: 03 September 2019
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