Dynamic Energetic Modeling and Verification of Core under Harmonic Excitation |
Zhao Zhigang1,2, Ma Xiwen1, Ji Jun’an1, Zhang Peng1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Reliability and Intelligence of Electrical Equipment Hebei University of Technology Tianjin 300130 China; 2. Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Apparatus Reliability of Hebei Province Hebei University of Technology Tianjin 300130 China |
Abstract Under the condition of harmonic excitation, the hysteresis loop characterizing the magnetic properties of the core is obviously distorted or even partially looped, resulting in a significant increase in core loss. In order to accurately simulate the hysteresis characteristics and calculate core loss of ferromagnetic materials under harmonic excitation conditions, based on the traditional static Energetic hysteresis model and the loss separation theory, a dynamic Energetic hysteresis loss model that could comprehensively consider harmonic characteristics was established. The artificial fish swarm algorithm combined with the normalized processing technology was used to identify the parameters of the traditional static Energetic model, and a dynamic loss coefficient solving method that could effectively consider the influence of local loop was proposed. The magnetic property test platform of the transformer core with arbitrary magnetic flux density waveform controllable was built. The hysteresis characteristics and loss characteristics of transformer core under different harmonic order, harmonic content and harmonic phase excitation conditions were experimentally studied. The comparison between the simulation results and the experimental data verified the correctness and effectiveness of the dynamic Energetic model of the core under the harmonic excitation conditions.
Received: 27 August 2019
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