An Electric Vehicle Induction Motor Parameters Calibration Method Based on Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient |
Qi Xing, Zheng Changbao, Zhang Qian |
College of Electrical Engineering Anhui University Hefei 230601 China |
Abstract Most existing calibration methods of electric vehicle induction motor parameters have the problems of low calibrated accuracy and large workload. Therefore, a method for calibrating electric vehicle induction motor parameters based on deep deterministic policy gradient is proposed, and the framework of algorithm for induction motor parameter calibration task is illustrated. The experimental results verify the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method. The proposed method has the following advantages: ① the parameters calibrated by the proposed method are not the real modeling parameters, but the ones that enable the motor to run at the optimal torque in any given speed and current, which is more suitable for electric vehicle application; ② the proposed method is an end-to-end method, that is, all work is automatically completed by computers without manual assistance, thereby greatly reducing the workload of the calibration engineers.
Received: 27 August 2019
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