The Key Dielectric Properties and Performance Evaluation Method of High-Density Pressboard for Electrical Purposes |
Gao Chunjia1, Qi Bo1, Li Chengrong1, Lu Licheng2, Zhang Shuqi3 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. State Grid Corporation of China Beijing 100031 China; 3. China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China |
Abstract The high-density electrical pressboard, as the main insulating material for large-scale power equipment such as power/converter transformers, plays an important role in the safe and stable operation of power equipment and power grid systems. However, the high-density pressboard has practical problems, such as varying insulation properties among different types, lack of performance evaluation and selection method. This paper sets up a measurement platform for three key dielectric properties of electrical pressboard, namely the relative permittivity, volume resistivity and surface resistivity. Five kinds of pressboards come from five representative insulating material manufacturers at home and abroad were adopted as the test samples. The influence of external conditions such as temperature and water-content on the dielectric properties was analyzed, and the fitting quantitative relationship and the influencing mechanism were explained. The following conclusions can be drawn through the experimental results. ①With the increase of temperature and water-content of pressboard, the relative permittivity has an obvious increase with a maximum growth percentage of 55.85%. The relative permittivity of different pressboards is greatly affected by temperature or water-content, and the deviation is up to 22.05%. ②The higher the temperature or water-content of pressboard is, the lower the volume and surface resistivity of pressboard, and the maximum resistivity reduction can reach 98.25%. The difference of the resistivity among different pressboards affected by temperature and water-content can reach 94.32%. ③The dielectric properties among different batches of the same type of pressboard are significantly different. ④The test results of conventional physical and chemical properties of pressboard demonstrate the differences in dielectric properties between different types of pressboards. Finally, a performance evaluation method for the dielectric properties of pressboard was proposed. The dielectric properties of different insulating pressboard products were compared horizontally, which could provide data support and technical references for the design of insulation structure and the application selection of insulation materials.
Received: 01 July 2019
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