Research on the Dispersion Characteristics of ZnO@PS Particles and the Insulation Characteristics of Modified Ethylene Propylene Rubber |
Liu Kai, Zhang Pengpeng, Gao Bo, Yang Yan, Wu Guangning |
School of Electrical Engineering Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu 611756 China |
Abstract The cable terminal is an important component of electric locomotive high voltage cable, but it is also the weak link of the high voltage cable insulation system. In the operation of cable terminals, the “three junction points” (the outer semiconductor layer, the stress control pipe, and the main insulation layer) produce a concentrated electric field, leading to a partial discharge phenomenon, which seriously affects the safety and reliability of EMU operation. In order to solve effectively the problems of uneven electric field distribution and excessively high local field intensity at the end of vehicle cable, this paper studied the dispersion characteristics of core-shell ZnO@PS particles and the influence of doping on the insulation performance of EPDM rubber, explored the influence of ZnO@PS particles on the microscopic and dielectric properties of composite dielectric materials, and built the corona discharge model of needle-plate electrode. The effect of nano-particles with different doping ratios on the corona resistance of modified ethylene propylene rubber was analyzed. Firstly, ZnO@PS composite particles were prepared by polymerization modification method. Then, the morphology, structure, and dispersion of the samples were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, particle size analysis, infrared spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. Secondly, with ZnO@PS /EPDM composite as the research object, the conductivity, dielectric properties and corona resistance with the doping ratio of nanoparticles werestudied. Moreover, the needle-plate electrode model was built to explore the corona discharge of composite dielectric material under anuneven electric field. The research results provide a reference for preparing cable terminal functional materials. The microscopic characteristics of ZnO@PS composite particles were analyzed. TEM results show that the long chains of PVA/PS adhere to the ZnO surface in an irregular form, and the film-forming performance of PVA is remarkable. The particle size analysis shows that when PVA/ZnO=6.32(wt/wt) %, the average particle size is 132.42 nm, the PDI coefficient is 0.17, and the dispersion performance of composite particles is better. FTIR results show that PVA/PS modification has anoticeable effect on the removal of hydroxyl on the surface of nano-ZnO, and hydrogen bonds are formed at the interface of inorganic/organic molecules. TGA and DSC results show that the mass percentage of the nano-composite particles increases and the maximum mass loss fraction is 47.208 %. The conductivity, dielectric properties, and corona discharge resistance characteristics of ZnO@PS/EPDM composites were studied. After doping nano-composite particles, the ZnO@PS/EPDM materials show nonlinear characteristics with the electric field change. With the increase of doping concentration, the nonlinear characteristics become more apparent, the nonlinear coefficient increases, and the initial field strength in the nonlinear region decreases.Compared with the unmodified EPDM, it is found that the corona resistance of the nanoparticle-modified EPDM composite is improved under the uneven electric field. When the doping amount of ZnO@PS particles is 5 %, the corona voltage increases by 95.5 % compared with the unmodified EPDM, and the UV photon count rate shows an apparent downward trend. This paper can lay a theoretical foundation for applying nonlinear voltage equalization materials in cable terminals and provide a reference for preparing cable terminal functional materials.
Received: 20 January 2022
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