Research, Application and Development Trends of Bearingless Brushless DC Motor |
Zhu Huangqiu, Hao Zhengjie, Pan Wei, Diao Xiaoyan |
School of Electrical and Information Engineering Jiangsu University Zhenjiang 212013 China |
Abstract The bearingless brushless DC motor (BBLDCM) is a high-performance brushless DC motor adopting bearingless technology. It not only possesses the characteristics of small volume, high efficiency, simple maintenance and good speed regulation performance of the brushless DC motor, but also has the features of no friction, no lubrication, cleanliness and long cycle life of the magnetic bearing. In this paper, the principle of suspension force generation of the BBLDCM is introduced firstly. Then the domestic and abroad research status with reference to the key technologies of the BBLDCM is overviewed. Furthermore, the studies of the BBLDCM in the application fields of blood pump, flywheel energy storage and other special fields are illustrated. Finally, the existing problems are analyzed and the development trend is forecasted to improve the performance of the BBLDCM.
Received: 10 August 2018
Published: 18 November 2019
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