A Review of the Research on Shape Memory Alloy Actuators |
Xu Dianguo1, Bai Fengqiang1, Zhang Xiangjun1, Yang Shihua2, Gu Jixiang1 |
1. Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Electric Drive and Electric Propulsion Technology Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China; 2. Shanghai Aerospace Intelligent Equipment Co. Ltd Shanghai 201100 China |
Abstract Shape memory alloys (SMAs) belong to the family of smart materials, which have the characteristics of shape memory effect (SME), superelasticity (SE), high damping, self-sensing, and biocompatibility. Shape memory alloy actuators (SMAAs) have the characteristics of high power- to-weight ratio, high strain stress, high driving frequency, and high design freedom, which are used in aerospace, robotics, biomedical, automotive automation, and information electronics. Actuators based on shape memory alloy are currently one of the most interesting research topics. Compared with traditional technologies based on electromagnetic, pneumatic, and hydraulic principles, SMAAs have the advantages of high power density, high precision, and low cost in some fields and application scenarios. However, multidisciplinary theoretical analysis and design ideas involve SMAA ontology design, system modeling, and control strategy, which makes it difficult to develop SMAA comprehensive design theory. This paper not only provides a review of recent SMAA research and commercial applications, but also explores SMAA comprehensive design theory. Key issues and future developments of SMAA research are discussed, which provides detailed references for researchers in SMAA-related fields.
Received: 12 July 2021
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