Overview of Linear Oscillatory Machines: Topology and Application |
Xu Wei1, Li Xiang2, Liao Kaiju1, Bai Lili1, Gong Yifan1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China; 2. School of Electrical Engineering Guangxi University Nanning 530004 China |
Abstract Linear oscillatory machines (LOMs) can directly produce linear reciprocating force without motion conversion mechanism, enjoying the advantages of high transmission efficiency and low vibration and noise. Hence, it has great potential in many industries such as linear compressor, Stirling refrigerator, combined heat and power device, vibration energy harvester, and so on. In this paper, firstly, the working principle of LOM is illustrated in details. Afterwards, according to the necessities of the ideal forced resonance system, the indexes for electromagnetic characteristics of LOM are put forward. Secondly, the development and state of the art of different types of LOMs are introduced sequentially, including the pros and cons of different topologies, technique development, and industrial applications. Consequently, based on the literature survey, four existing problems of LOMs are summarized in brief. Finally, the future development trend of the LOM is prospected, and some key issues in the aspects of fabrication, electromagnetic characteristics and control strategy are discussed in details.
Received: 24 June 2021
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