Analysis for Crosstalk of SiC MOSFET with Different Packages in a Phase-Leg Configuration and a Low Gate Turn-Off Impedance Driver |
Liang Mei, Li Yan, Zheng Trillion Q, Zhao Hongyan |
School of Electrical Engineering Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract Because of higher switching speed of SiC MOSFET, crosstalk in a phase-leg configuration will be more serious. It will hinder the increase of switching frequency and reduce the reliability of power electronic equipment. This paper analyzes the crosstalk mechanisms of non-Kelvin package and Kelvin package, respectively. During the turn-on transition and turn-off transition of a switch, the displacement current of the gate-drain capacitor and the drop voltages on the common source inductors can induce the gate-source voltage variation of the off-state switch. Then, this paper proposes a new gate driver for suppressing crosstalk, which creates the low turn-off gate impedance. The operating principle and the parameters design are also analyzed. Finally, the crosstalk problems in non-Kelvin package and Kelvin package are tested by experiments. The experimental results of the proposed driver prove the effect of crosstalk suppression.
Published: 10 October 2017
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