Special Solution Planning Programmed PWM Algorithm for Three-Level Inverter Neutral Voltage Low Frequency Oscillations Suppression Based on V-S Balance Principle |
Liu Yi1, Tan Guojun1, He Xiaoqun1, 2 |
1. School of Information and Electrical Engineering China University of Mining and Technology Xuzhou 221008 China; 2. Kailuan (Group) Co. Ltd Tangshan 063000 China |
Abstract A general programmed three-level PWM modulation algorithm was proposed in this paper based on the volt-second (V-S) balance principle. A general switch sequence was designed in a single period of carrier, where three different levels were considered in each phase switching sequence. According to the special solution plan of the V-S balance equations, different control objects of NPC three-level inverter are achievable through selecting different calculation criteria. Meanwhile, the modulation algorithm is greatly simplified, and has more clear physical meaning. On the purpose of achieving the neutral voltage balance and low frequency oscillations suppression, this paper puts forward the nine-segment special solution planning programmed PWM algorithm and the neutral voltage closed-loop control strategy based on the special solution plan to solve the problem of the calculating complexities in the virtual voltage vector modulation strategy simultaneously. The methods of special solution plan and pulse distribution are described in detail. The experiment was conducted on the NPC three-level prototype platform using inductance-resistance load and PMSM load. The results have proved the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Published: 10 October 2017
Fund:科技部创新基金(11C26213204616),江苏省自然科学基金(BK20140204)和江苏省科技成果转化基金(BA2008029)资助项目 |
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