The Dielectric Properties of PI/ZnO Composite Films Based on Trap Level Distribution |
Li Tianjiao1, Zhang Bo2, Wu Jiang1,2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an 710049 China; 2. College of Electronic Information Xi’an Polytechnic University Xi’an 710048 China |
Abstract The operating stability of spacecraft in the space environment is closely related to the insulation performance of aerospace dielectric materials such as polyimide (PI), and the carrier trap inside the dielectric material is one of the important factors affecting the insulation performance. Therefore, exploring the impact of trap distribution on the electrical properties of dielectric materials is of great significance to ensure the safe use of spacecraft dielectric materials. In this paper, nano-PI/ZnO composite films with different doping levels (0.5%, 1%, 3%) are prepared and tested for dielectric properties. The energy distribution of thin film bulk traps and surface traps are measured by thermally stimulated depolarization currents method and isothermal surface potential decay method respectively, the carrier mobility is calculated, and the volume resistivity and breakdown field strength are measured. Based on the multi-core model, the phenomenon that the introduction of nano-ZnO changes the dielectric properties of polymers is explained, and the influence mechanism of deep and shallow traps on polarized ions is analyzed from the perspective of trap level. This paper can provide new ideas and methods for regulating the insulation properties of materials and improving the safety of spacecraft.
Received: 11 July 2020
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